824.01/761a: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics 68

The following information has been received from the Embassy at La Paz:

The Bolivian Junta which has been recognized only by Argentina has now published a decree calling for the election of deputies and senators on July 2 who will sit August 1 as a constitutional convention. As such they will elect a President and Vice President. The Convention will also consider proposed reforms to the Constitution. This completed, they will assume their constitutional legislative functions beginning August 6.

The decree grants amnesty to political offenders and recognizes the liberty of the press. Office holders under the present regime must resign their positions 60 days before the elections if they are to run for deputy or senator. It is understood that some members of the present Junta will resign.

The above is for your background and discussion if the question is raised by your colleagues or officials of the Governments to which you are accredited. While the replacement of the Junta members may be the occasion for a further exchange of views among the American Republics concerning recognition, the Department intends taking no action before communicating with you.

  1. Sent to Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama. Sent also on the same date at 9 p.m. to the diplomatic representatives in the South American countries except Bolivia.