710 Consultation 4/11–144: Circular telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina
Please see the Foreign Minister immediately and reiterate this Government’s determination not to take any decision with regard to the Argentine proposal until after a full exchange of views with all the other American Republics (see Department’s Circular 6 p.m. today16). I consider it of the utmost importance that, in keeping with the system of consultation among the republics on matters of common concern, no government reply to the communication of the Governing Board of the Union, nor of course to Argentina, until after a consensus of opinion has been obtained through a full exchange of views with all the other republics. I am very much concerned that some governments might arrive at a hasty decision without fully realizing all possible consequences of a meeting on the basis of the Argentine request, and particularly the implications with respect to recognition.
If you have not already received assurances from the Foreign Minister that his Government will make no reply to the Governing Board until after such a consensus has been reached, you should urge him to give you assurances to that effect. You may state, if asked, that certain preliminary views of this Government will be transmitted shortly.
At today’s Meeting of the Governing Board of the Union the Director General was instructed to transmit the Argentine proposal to the governments. No other action was taken on the proposal.
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