710 Consultation 3A/597: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith)
153. The Department was gratified to receive your telegram no. 92 of January 19, 7 p.m. indicating that Padilla understood our position and is prepared to continue cooperating with us. We have now been informed that the various American governments, as a result of the information which has been exchanged concerning the forces which brought into being the Bolivian Junta, have decided not to recognize the present Junta and some of them will probably issue statements setting forth their views. We too have reached a similar conclusion and, although we continue in our sympathy with and support of the Mexican formula, which we think will serve as an excellent vehicle for studying any changes which may occur in the situation in the future, we are nevertheless convinced that the time has come when we must make a declaration as to our intentions and the reasons which [Page 440] prompted them. Consequently the Secretary has decided to make an official statement on Monday, January 24.
[Here follows a summary of the statement, printed in full in circular telegram of January 24, below.]
Please convey to Señor Padilla my deep appreciation for the cooperative and helpful attitude which both he and the Mexican Government have displayed throughout this complicated and difficult situation and tell him that I hope that it will be possible for Mexico to go along with us on this.