824.01/258a: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics 24

Reference is made to the Department’s circular telegram of January 8 and the instruction of the same date regarding the Bolivian situation. It is assumed that you have already made available to the Foreign Minister the memorandum inclosed with the instruction.23

I am anxious as soon as possible to define publicly this Government’s position to the effect that the new regime in La Paz cannot be recognized by us. I believe that the evidence which has been assembled and exchanged on the subject warrants the reaching of this definitive conclusion.

Please, therefore, approach the Foreign Minister and, after discussing the situation with him, ascertain and report urgently to the Department whether:

He has reached a similar conclusion to ours and
Whether he intends to make any public statement in regard thereto. In my judgment it is essential in the interest of our common [Page 433] defense against aggression from abroad and sinister and subversive activities from within that the position of each of the American republics be made clear on this issue just as soon as possible.

Although I have not yet reached a final decision as to the timing of my statement, I would like to make it on Saturday morning, January 15. I am, therefore, counting on you to handle this matter with the greatest urgency and discretion.

  1. Sent to Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela.
  2. Neither printed.