811.20 Defense(M)/9–1644: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson)
535. The Department has requested War Shipping Administration to assign no additional vessels under its control to lift cargo in the Argentine after October 1. An exception was made in the case of a Norwegian vessel which is already nominated and cargo booked.
If this measure is to be effective, care must be taken to prevent, so far as possible, barging of cargoes from Buenos Aires to Montevideo for transshipment. No consular invoices should be issued from Montevideo unless consul is assured that M–6316 authorization related to shipment designates Uruguay as the source of the shipment and the shipment has in fact originated in Uruguay. Imports Order M–63 denies authority to import commodities from source other than that indicated in the authorization.
- 8 Federal Register 850.↩