835.731/49: Telegram

The Ambassador in Argentina (Armour) to the Secretary of State

1281. All America Cables received Thursday telegram from José Mancisidor, President of Federation of Organizations for Aid of European [Page 405] Refugees, Mexico, addressed to President Farrell protesting “sinister proposal” of Argentine Government to deport one Tomás Cuesta to Spain. Company supervisor authorized delivery of message without intervention of government censor but as afterthought showed it to him later. Second telegram on same subject signed by 17 Mexican Leftist intellectuals and labor leaders and former officials of Spanish Republic including Mancisidor was approved by censor and delivered to President. Language of second telegram perhaps somewhat more restrained but arrest and threatened deportation of Cuesta were described as “affront against ideas of liberty and democracy rooted in this continent.”

On Friday All America received letter from Correos79 with reference to first telegram accusing company of violating article of Argentine telegraph law which prohibits transmission and delivery of messages “contrary to good ethics or dangerous to security of state” and requesting explanation. Following receipt of letter, hourly telephone calls were received during afternoon and evening demanding immediate reply. All America disturbed by attitude of Correos took extreme care in drafting reply and completed it for delivery at 4 o’clock this afternoon.

It has now been learned from friendly official in Correos that decision has already been taken (without giving consideration to All America’s letter which still has not reached responsible Correos officials) and that company will be closed for period of 24 hours on Tuesday or Wednesday of coming week; in addition thousand peso fine will be assessed. Although something may occur to change decision, there seems to be no question as to present intention of Government; Sirito is handling matter again as in previous closure and official mentioned above is of opinion that he is acting on orders of Perlinger.

  1. The office of Posts and Telegraphs.