835.01/402: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith)

1005. Personal from the Secretary for the Ambassador. I rely on you to bring home to Padilla the seriousness with which we view the current Argentine situation, and the necessity of maintaining a united front against the machinations of present Argentine regime designed to achieve recognition without first giving the definite indications of its compliance with inter-American obligations to which Padilla referred in his recent conversation with you. It would be deplorable, and would play directly into the hands of Argentine regime, if one or two diplomatic representatives of non-recognizing American Governments should attend political functions in Buenos Aires on May 25, while their remaining colleagues attend only the religious ceremony. I therefore earnestly hope that you may prevail upon the Foreign Minister to send urgent instructions to his Ambassador in Buenos Aires to accompany other American colleagues in attending only the religious services on May 25.

On the larger issues involved, please bear in mind the considerations set forth in my circular telegram of May 23, 6 p.m.21 to our Chiefs of Mission in Latin America, and my No. 1000, May 22, 6 p.m.22

In discussing this matter with Padilla, I wish you would again express to him my sincere appreciation of his consistent and extremely helpful cooperation in the solution of the manifold problems that have confronted the American nations in the course of the present struggle against the forces of oppression, and my earnest desire to continue the closest cooperation with him in seeking a satisfactory solution of the present Argentine problem.

  1. Supra.
  2. Not printed.