835.00/2659a: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics Except Argentina and Bolivia

It will be recalled in the Department’s circular of February 26, 8 p.m. it was stated “that the Argentine Government itself admitted at the time of its rupture of relations with the Axis that Argentina was the center of a vast Axis espionage system working for the Axis and in favor of subversive influences inimical to the safety of the Hemisphere. The circumstances under which the present regime seized power suggest that the maneuver was intended to prevent the cooperation of Argentina with her sister nations in the present grave military exigency”.

The general understanding at that time concerning the withdrawal of President Ramírez under pressure now appears to have been confirmed by a letter dated March 9, 1944 addressed by President Ramírez to the people of Argentina and to General Farrell. This letter clearly indicates that President Ramírez’ withdrawal was neither voluntary nor premeditated in as much as he was asked to delegate the mandate to the Vice President on February 25. Furthermore the letter implies that the group now in control of the Argentine Government was not only opposed to a break of relations with the Axis but was anxious to overlook the existence of Axis espionage in Argentina. A copy of [Page 301] this letter1 is being forwarded by airgram in the event that it has not been published or received locally.

These circumstances give increasing reason to believe that recent developments in Argentina cannot be disconnected from the problem of hemispheric security.

You may convey these views orally and informally to the Foreign Minister.

  1. See telegram 698, March 11, 7 p.m., from Buenos Aires, p. 262.