123 AR 52/6–2744: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics, the United Kingdom, and Canada
The following statement has been released to the press tonight:
“The Ambassador of the United States in Argentina, Mr. Norman Armour, has been instructed to return to Washington immediately for consultation.”
In addition the following information will be given to the press orally as background explanation:
“It is only logical that Mr. Armour should be recalled for consultation at this time on the subject of our relations with Argentina. It is, of course, well known that in all matters affecting the unity and security of this Hemisphere and the prosecution of the war against the Axis oppressors we are consulting with the other interested American Governments.”
Since the Counselor of Embassy at Buenos Aires cannot be accredited to the Argentine Government as Chargé d’Affaires, his status so far as the Argentine Government is concerned will presumably be that of ranking officer of the Embassy.