839.415/94: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Haiti (White)
37. The following telegram has been sent to AmEmbassy, Ciudad Trujillo:9
“You are authorized to second Pittini’s [Piliti’s?] initiative and to suggest to President Trujillo that he make the proposal mentioned in your 72 of February 7 and ask President Lescot to join with him in an act commemorating and proclaiming Dominican-Haitian peace and friendship. Please repeat to AmEmbassy, Port-au-Prince, any telegrams to the Dept on this subject”.
If President Trujillo makes the proposal with President Lescot, it is desired that you find a suitable opportunity to express the Department’s hope that President Lescot will accept it as a contribution to the improvement of Dominican-Haitian relations.
- Sent as telegram 59 on the same date.↩