740.23112 RP/17: Airgram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Peru (Butler)
A–98. Reference your despatch no. 8679 of January 3, 1944,16 concerning the present status of Peruvian controls of Axis commercial and industrial activities, which contains a specific question for the Interdepartmental Proclaimed List Committee concerning the possible deletion from the Proclaimed List of Peruvians of Japanese origin.
The Interdepartmental Proclaimed List Committee considered this question at its meeting on February 2, 1944 and came to the following conclusions. It is assumed that the Embassy does not contemplate a general review of Japanese names on the Proclaimed List with a view to recommending deletion of all those against whom there is no evidence of pro-Axis activities. The Committee is prepared to consider the name of any Peruvian of Japanese origin for deletion from the Proclaimed List on a case by case basis if there is a prima facie case for deletion and the desirability of such action is suggested by the Superintendency of Economy or otherwise comes to the attention of the Embassy.
The question in the despatch under reference concerning the investment of frozen funds in land, buildings, and Peruvian government bonds is receiving the consideration of the Department and Treasury and will be the subject of a subsequent instruction from the Department.
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