811.20 Defense (M) Peru/9–644

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Peru (White)

No. 3572

The Secretary of State refers to the Embassy’s confidential despatch no. 1323, of September 6, 1944, transmitting the Peruvian Government’s request for continued purchases of antimony by United States Commercial Company.

The supply situation of the United States with respect to antimony is such that further public purchases of antimony could no longer be justified to the American people by the responsible authorities of this Government. Since it is the established policy of the United States Government in its foreign procurement program to direct as rapidly as practicable the flow of international trade back into private channels and as it is felt by the United States Government officials concerned that there is no moral or legal commitment on the part of this Government, to purchase additional quantities of antimony, after most careful consideration it is not felt possible to comply with the Peruvian Government’s request, for continued purchases of antimony by the United States Commercial Company.

The Department is in accord with the views of the Embassy as expressed in the referred to despatch.