The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 26.]
The Ambassador has the honor, with reference to the receipt by the Peruvian Air Corps of aviation equipment from the United States, to refer to the Embassy’s confidential despatch No. 1777, of October 21, 1944,37 and to transmit herewith an editorial38 which appeared in La Prensa of December 8 entitled “Aviation Accidents.”
In this editorial, which has appeared in a paper not known for its especial friendliness to the United States, at least in pre-war years, note has been taken of a series of fatal accidents in the Air Corps during recent months, of which two more occurred within the past week. This editorial hints that these successive accidents may be due to defects in material or to lack of organization.
Since virtually all the equipment now in use in the Peruvian Air Corps is of United States origin, and since the United States Naval Air Mission is functioning in Peru, it is gratifying to note that the press of the 10th instant carried an official communiqué issued by the Ministry of Aviation on the subject of these very air accidents. This communiqué reports that the Ministry, in conjunction with the United States Air Mission, has reported that the accidents have been due not to lack of organization or quality or condition of material, but rather to imprudence on the part of the fliers unfortunately fatally affected.
It is hoped that the text of this communiqué may serve to avert any adverse criticism of the United States Air Mission or equipment of American origin now employed in Peru. The text, with translation, of the above-mentioned official communiqué is enclosed herewith.37