811F.504/8–744: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Panama (Warren)
306. The Department hopes that the new regulations applying to alien War Department employees in the Zone to be issued by the Commanding General as stated in your despatch No. 168 of August 7, 194461 will conform in every sense with the policy to which this Government stands committed even though that commitment was intended to apply only to Panamanian nationals in the employ of the Canal Zone and the Panama Railroad Company.
It is suggested, therefore, that you request the Commanding General to be good enough to let the Embassy study the regulations before they are issued; if, after discussing any particular point the Embassy and the Commanding General do not agree, it is the Department’s wish that the text of the new regulations should be made available for study by the interested departments here in Washington prior to their issuance.
- Not printed; it concerned the cancellation of the Commanding General’s orders discontinuing sick and annual leave (811 F. 504/8–744).↩