
The Secretary of War (Stimson) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: Information received from the Commanding General, Caribbean Defense Command16 indicates that the Government of Panama does not maintain the Pacora Road, which is under its jurisdiction, in accordance with Article VIII of the Agreement for the Lease of Defense Sites in the Republic of Panama, with the result that it is now almost impassable and causing extreme damage to Army motor transportation. Repeated efforts to induce the Republic of Panama to maintain this road have been made by the Commanding General, Caribbean Defense Command without success.

Under the terms of the present agreement, the Government of the United States bears one-third of the total amount of maintenance cost of all Panamanian roads used periodically or frequently by the Armed Forces of the United States.

Informal conversations between Headquarters, Caribbean Defense Command and the Republic of Panama have indicated that the latter is probably agreeable to providing one-half of the cost of construction of a 15-mile strip of the Pacora Road, provided it is relocated and paved with concrete, in return for which the United States Government would be relieved from the obligation of paying any portion of the maintenance cost of other roads in the Republic of Panama for the duration and six months thereafter.

Accordingly, it is requested that the Department of State approach the Government of Panama with a view to modifying Article VIII [Page 1430] of the Agreement for the Lease of Defense Sites in the Republic of Panama by the deletion of Paragraph 6 wherein the Government of the United States is obligated to bear one-third of the total maintenance cost and by the insertion between Paragraphs 3 and 4 of a paragraph substantially as follows:

“The Government of the United States shall complete the construction of the road, approximately fifteen (15) miles in length, from the City of Panama to the entrance of La Joy a Number 1 Airfield. Specifications shall be the same as for the Trans-Isthmian Highway, and the Government of the United States and the Government of Panama shall share equally in the cost of construction.”

Sincerely yours,

Henry L. Stimson
  1. Lt. Gen. George H. Brett.