President Roosevelt to the Secretary of the Interior (Ickes)
Dear Harold: I sent your letter to me of March 18, 1944 to Secretary Hull, who has now written me the attached letter in reply.95 I thoroughly concur in his view that this treaty is fair and equitable and in our broad national interests. However, I fully appreciate your point with regard to jurisdiction over certain matters that will arise in the administration of the treaty as between your Department and the Department of State. Mr. Hull tells me that he is proposing to you in another letter96 an immediate conference between representatives of your two Departments to adjust these matters. In the light of established policy, it is apparent that your Department should construct and operate those interior facilities used only partly for [Page 1367] the delivery of Mexico’s water, and that the Department of State, through the United States Section of the International Boundary Commission, should control the construction and operation of those facilities used exclusively for this purpose, and of those situated on the boundary. Nothing in the treaty prevents such an arrangement. I want these questions settled in advance of consideration of the treaty by the Foreign Relations Committee so that your agency can give unqualified support to the treaty before the Committee.
Sincerely yours,