811.504 Mexico/7–1244
The Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18.]
Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith five copies of an Order15 issued by the Sub-Director of the Mexican Customs Administration to Collectors of Customs, authorizing free entry of personal and incidental effects brought into Mexico by Mexican contract laborers returning to this country from the United States. This measure will not only be beneficial to the workers and their families here, in that it [Page 1318] will encourage a more economical spending of wages earned in the United States, but will be of some assistance to the recruiting program, as workers will be encouraged to re-apply for contracts after returning to Mexico. It is not believed that the merchandise thus brought back duty free will enter into commercial channels here to any appreciable extent.
Respectfully yours,
Second Secretary of Embassy
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