811.504 Mexico/336

The Ambassador in Mexico (Messersmith) to the Secretary of State

No. 16,193

Sir: Reference is made to the Embassy’s despatch no. 15,311 of January 13, 1944, transmitting a copy of a note, dated January 12,79 from the Mexican Foreign Minister with respect to the passage by the House of Representatives of Joint Resolution No. 20880 and the possibility that Mexican agricultural workers in the United States might, if the Resolution were approved, be placed under the supervision of organizations in the various States and not be under the War Food Administration. The Ministry indicated that if such were the case, it might be necessary to denounce the existing Agreement whereby such agricultural workers are allowed to be in the United States. It will be recalled that this matter was the subject of numerous telephone conversations and letters between the Embassy and Mr. Joseph McGurk, the Chief of the Division of Mexican Affairs, and that, following one such conversation on February 14, the Embassy was authorized to inform the Foreign Office that, in a letter dated February 11,81 the Administrator of the War Food Administration82 had given assurances that the 10,000 Mexican agricultural workers it was desired to recruit for the State of California would be under the direction of the War Food Administration.

On February 12 and 14, in its nos. 2320 and 2325, the Embassy informed the Foreign Office as to the consideration which had been given in the Senate to HJR 208 and inquired as to whether the Mexican Government perceived any objections to the Mexican Agricultural workers being under the jurisdiction of the State Extension Services, of the respective States. The Ministry was also advised as to the assurances given by the War Food Administration respecting the labor it was desired to recruit for California.

I now have the honor to transmit herewith a copy and translation of a note, dated February 21, 1944,83 from the Foreign Minister stating that the Mexican Government objects to Mexican workers being under the jurisdiction of the State Extension Services and desires that all such workers, no matter in what State they may be employed, be under the supervision of the War Food Administration.

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The Department will recall that the Mexican Government has already given permission for its nationals to proceed to California and recruiting to this end has already started.

Respectfully yours,

George S. Messersmith
  1. Neither printed.
  2. For the text of this resolution which became Public Law No. 229, approved: February 14, 1944, see 58 Stat. 11.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Marvin Jones.
  5. Note No. 3345, not printed.