740.00112A European War 1939/36607: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Guatemala (Long)

A–341. Several members of the Department were approached by Dr. López-Herrarte, Counselor of the Guatemalan Embassy, on May 16 and 17 prior to the receipt of your telegram no. 299 [298?] of May 16, 1944.58 In response to his inquiries, Dr. López was informally apprised that this Government was not inclined to approve the purchase of this year’s Proclaimed List coffee crop unless steps were taken by the Guatemalan Government for the nationalization of properties owned by the most objectionable Axis spearheads, specifically the Nottebohm properties and any others falling within this category.

Dr. López observed that in the negotiations concerning the previous year’s crop the United States Government had not officially stated that it would not purchase another crop unless action along these lines was taken by the Guatemalan Government. In this connection it was pointed out to Dr. López that the note presented to the Guatemalan Government on April 7, 194359 stated that this Government was gratified to learn that the Guatemalan Government was actively considering a plan for the nationalization of properties owned by inimical persons and firms and added that we were confident that the proposed measures would solve all outstanding problems with respect to the importation into the United States of coffee produced on Proclaimed List plantations.

For your confidential information in the above-mentioned conversations Dr. López agreed that nationalization of properties owned by Axis spearhead firms and persons would be to the best interest of Guatemala.

The Department is awaiting receipt of the airgram60 referred to in telegram no. 299 [298?].

  1. Not printed.
  2. Reference is presumably to a memorandum dated April 5, 1943, delivered by the Chargé in Guatemala to the Guatemalan Minister for Foreign Affairs on April 8, and answered in Guatemalan Foreign Office Note No. 5298 of April 15; neither printed.
  3. Airgram No. A–240, p. 1158. Apparently airgram A–341 was drafted before receipt of airgram A–240.