890D.01/10–1244: Telegram
The Chargé in Syria (Satterthwaite) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 13—11:14 a.m.]
25. While addressing Parliament last evening Premier Jabri unexpectedly announced the resignation of his Government. Although he gave no reason therefor, it is reliably reported that he and the President, following his return from Alexandria, had agreed that a change of Government was necessary because of general dissatisfaction in Parliament, which reconvened October 5, with the internal situation. No announcement concerning the President’s choice of a new Premier has yet been made.
Although not believed to have any direct connection with the reason for his resignation, it is of interest to report that during his speech the Premier stated that an agreement had been reached with the French for the transfer of half of the Troupes Spéciales to Syria now and the rest after the signature of the armistice, but that the French had withdrawn from their agreement. They had then confronted [Page 802] his Government with the request for the conclusion of a treaty giving France a privileged position in Syria. His Government had refused this request as it considered a privileged position incompatible with full independence and the terms of the Atlantic Charter. A privileged position would also, he asserted, mean the return of capitulations and special protection for the Christians, whereas the Christians of Syria do not desire protection because they themselves are the protectors of the country.