751.90D11/9–2244: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Appointed Minister to Syria and Lebanon (Wadsworth)
176. Your telegram no. 200, September 22, 5 p.m. Please inform the Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, in reply to his note of September 22, 1944, that this Government considers the question of the possible negotiation of treaties between Syria and other powers as one for determination by the Syrian Government within the limits of the international obligations and responsibilities incumbent upon it. The United States would not desire to influence the Syrian Government’s decision in this regard, though it would naturally have no reason to object to the conclusion of accords between Syria and France, defining the relationship between them, if such accords were freely and voluntarily agreed to between the interested parties and contained appropriate safeguards of the rights and interests of the United States and its nationals.
You should assure the Minister of Foreign Affairs that this Government appreciates the feeling of friendship and confidence which inspired him to address us with regard to this matter, as well as the statements contained therein as to the resolve of the Syrian Government to carry out fully its national and international obligations.
Sent to Beirut. Repeated to London and to Paris for Chapin.67
- Selden Chapin, Counselor of Mission at Paris.↩