751.90D11/9–2244: Telegram

The Appointed Minister to Syria and Lebanon (Wadsworth)45 to the Secretary of State

200. Following is text of telegram addressed to the Secretary by the Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs just handed me by his secretary with request that I forward it textually and that identic telegrams are being sent to Messrs. Eden and Molotov46 through the British Minister and Soviet Chargé d’Affaires respectively.

“Mr. Cordell Hull, Washington:

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the British Minister and the French Representative in Syria have suggested that the Syrian Government enter into negotiations with the French representative for the conclusion of a treaty under which France should obtain as stated by the latter a privileged position in Syria. The Syrian Government considers this suggestion to be contrary to the high principles proclaimed in the Atlantic Charter and other documents by the leading statesmen of the United Nations on many occasions. The Syrian Government which is unwilling to recognize a privileged position in Syria for France or any other state has firmly refused to consider this suggestion. The Syrian Government considers the mandate formerly held by France to have been terminated both de jure and de facto since the constitution in Syria of liberal democratic and independent institutions and since the recognition by Great Britain, USSR, the USA [and] other countries including all those of Arab world of Syria’s independence and the exchange of diplomatic representatives with those countries. The French representatives themselves [Page 787] concluded with Syria on December 22, 1943, an agreement transferring to it all the powers and prerogatives hitherto exercised by France in Syria’s name. I can assure Your Excellency that the Syrian Government intends to continue to observe its national and international obligations in accordance with the desire of the Syrian people and with the support of the United Nations who have fought this war in defense of the ideals of liberty and justice and for the maintenance of peace throughout the whole world including the Middle East. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest-considerations. Signed Jamil Mardam Bey.”

Repeated to Caserta.

  1. Mr. Wadsworth had been appointed Minister to Syria and to Lebanon on September 21, 1944.
  2. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the Soviet Union.