811.7490F/12–2244: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5:30 p.m.]
11374. ReEmbs 11006, December 12, 2 p.m. A written reply to our representations and observations made on the establishment of a direct radio circuit between Saudi Arabia and the US has now been received. A paraphrase of the reply follows:
Records of Foreign Office show that on November 21 Sheikh Yusuf Yasin expressed to Minister Jordan the desire of the Government of Saudi Arabia to reserve its rights, in accordance with article XVII of the Agreement of April 13, 1935, to modify, if it so desired, certain articles of the agreement. No objection was raised by Jordan to this suggestion and the Saudi Arabian Government’s reservation was communicated on the same day to Cable and Wireless. A new situation has of course been created by this and Cable and Wireless are consequently waiting for any proposals which the Saudi Arabian Government may see fit to make with a view to modifying the agreement. The company for its part is meanwhile continuing to explore the possibility of improving the service between the US and Saudi Arabia in a way to meet the complaints of the US Government. It is hoped that shortly certain suggestions can be made which can then be discussed jointly taking into account security and other considerations which are involved.
The State Department’s statement that the Allied military authorities in the Mediterranean Theater are not satisfied with the services rendered by Cable and Wireless is the first suggestion of that kind to reach us.