811.7490F/11–644: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
9765. Question of direct radiotelegraph circuit between the United States and Saudi Arabia which you were requested to present to Foreign Office in Department’s 8183 of October 6, 1944, is becoming extremely urgent in view of deadline of December 1. Legation in Jidda has been authorized to approach Saudi Government requesting establishment of circuit with notification to Cable and Wireless before December 1. Matter has been discussed at length with Michael Wright of British Embassy here, who has been told that this Government attaches greatest importance to establishment of circuit.
It is understood that views are being exchanged between Embassy here, Foreign Office in London and British Legation in Saudi Arabia concerning this matter. However, in view of urgency and importance of matter will you please take matter up with Foreign Office immediately and personally and state that this Government earnestly hopes that British Government will advise Saudi Arabian Government that it has no objection to establishment of a radio station by Saudi Arabian Government for direct radio circuit between Saudi Arabia and the United States on understanding that if station operates before termination of European war, adequate security precautions will be taken by Saudi Arabian Government in connection with operation of station.
Please telegraph Department result of your action not later than November 22.