890F.515/9–1644: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Appointed Minister to Saudi Arabia (Eddy)

182. Regarding present status of riyal shipments, 2,000,000 are en route to Ras Tanura and 5,000,000 en route to Jidda; 3,000,000 have been lost at sea. Mint has begun work on 10,000,000 subsidy riyals and 3,000,000 additional to replace those lost. Since Depts 162, August 17, 6 P.M.,57 SAG58 has asked Aramco to pay in dollars for 2,000,000 riyals already advanced by King. Department proposes to issue shipping instructions to FEA for 7,000,000 riyals destination Ras Tanura and 6,000,000 riyals destination Jidda. This would mean that out of a total of 20,000,000 riyals promised during 1944, excluding those lost, 9,000,000 will go to Ras Tanura for use by oil company, and 11,000,000 to Jidda. Of the latter, 1,000,000 will be for use of the Legation and commercial companies, and the balance will represent the currency portion of the joint Anglo-American supply program.

Please obtain concurrence on these shipping instructions from appropriate Saudi officials.59 Mint will probably complete work by October 1. Inform Department immediately upon signature of documents sent you in Dept’s 180, September 14, 8 P.M. It may be possible to begin shipment before actual documents are received in Washington.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Saudi Arabian Government.
  3. In telegram 293, September 25, 5 p.m., the Minister reported that the Saudi Arabian Government concurred in the proposed shipping instructions (890F.515/9–2544).