740.0011 Stettinius Mission/76: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

3447. Deles 37. Reference Esdel84 No. 54.85 From the Under Secretary. Murray’s talks on Saudi Arabia have developed increasingly toward close American-British cooperation and collaboration.

The Foreign Office, in accord with the War Office, now suggests, subject to Ibn Saud’s consent, that there be a joint Anglo-American [Page 693] military mission, headed by an Anglo-Saxon British officer with Arabian training and experience. The British contingent would consist mainly, if not entirely, of the Sunni Moslem Indian officers requested by the King. Details would be worked out in Cairo, subject to the approval of the appropriate authorities in Washington and London. Murray has reserved reply until proposal can be examined in Washington. Department may wish to initiate discussions with War Department. [Stettinius.]

  1. Designation for telegrams being sent to the Stettinius Mission at London.
  2. Telegram 3293, April 25, 2 p.m., to London, not printed.