125.0090F/29a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

4283. Reference is made to Mr. Wallace Murray’s conversation with Sir Maurice Peterson9 and other British officials on April 18 regarding the performance of American consular functions in Bahrein.

[Page 660]

It is expected that an American consular office will be opened at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, in the near future. This office will have no separate consular district in Saudi Arabia but will function under the supervision of the Legation at Jidda. It is proposed however to include Bahrein within the consular jurisdiction of the office at Dhahran on an informal basis. In view of the inclusion of Bahrein within the jurisdiction of Dhahran on an informal basis, it would be understood that no exequaturs would be issued to American consular officers for Bahrein by the appropriate authorities. It would be appreciated if officials in Bahrein would extend such facilities as would prove helpful to American consular officers in the performance of their duties in Bahrein.

Please discuss the foregoing proposal with the Foreign Office and report to the Department whether the foregoing suggested arrangements are agreeable to the British authorities.

  1. Mr. Murray, Director, Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, was chief member, with respect to Near Eastern affairs, on the staff of the Under Secretary of State (Stettinius), who was engaged in informal and general conversations at London, April 7–April 29, 1944, with the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Eden); Sir Maurice Peterson held a corresponding position in the British delegation; for correspondence regarding the Stettinius Mission, see vol. iii, pp. 1 ff.