867N.01/2197: Telegram
The Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Beirut (Wadsworth) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:33 p.m.]
36. My Iraqi colleague called today “to discuss as matter of courtesy” instructions received from Nuri regarding pro-Zionist resolutions referred to in your 318, February 16, 9 p.m., to Cairo.22
He is directed to inform Lebanese and [Syrian] Governments and Parliamentary leaders of nature of resolutions (which are described as advocating recognition of Palestine as a Jewish state) and to suggest that Arab cause would be served were they to follow Iraq’s lead in telegraphing protests to American Government and Congress. He is to mention also representations made to Department by Ali Jawdat against Celler’s speech impugning trustworthiness of Arab rulers and to inform them of Under Secretary’s expression of regret and assurance to the effect that “the President’s idea is to leave settlement of the Palestine problem for after the war”. He assured me there is no intention of encouraging local Parliamentary discussion or inciting popular protest but rather that his démarche is motivated by belief that Arab-Allied relations will be troubled anew by present pro-Zionist campaign and that our, as well as Arab, interests will be best served by reaffirmation of Arab solidarity in opposition to establishment of Jewish state or to further Jewish immigration into Palestine.
No mention of resolutions has been made in local press (although Palestine Post, which has small circulation here, has referred to current hearings thereon) nor have any local leaders mentioned matter [Page 567] to me. It seems probable however that Foreign Minister23 will do so after receiving Iraqi démarche. I should consequently appreciate receiving any directives (including perhaps texts of resolutions) which Department may see fit to send at this time. Repeated to Baghdad and Jerusalem.