Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)
Sir Ronald Campbell came in to see me with reference to the resolutions recently proposed in the House asking that Palestine be opened to colonization and set up as a democratic Jewish commonwealth, of which I had previously informed him. He said obviously the British Government would not wish to comment on an American legislative matter; it might be pointed out that such a course involved certain obligations, including military, and that the British policy in this respect might be influenced by American willingness to join in maintaining the ensuing situation. He added that we were quite familiar with their views on the subject.
I thanked him for coming down. I told him that, as he well understood, I had brought this matter to his attention merely for information, and indeed had done so at the suggestion of Chairman Sol Bloom of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. It did not follow, of course, that we would want to say anything.