711.52/468: Telegram

The Chargé at Tangier (Elbrick) to the Secretary of State

113. Legation’s 107, May 9 [8]. In my interview with Orgaz today he was as uncommunicative and seemingly as uncooperative as he had been with Gascoigne earlier in the week.

Orgaz stated no instructions had been received from Madrid and that he could not undertake any action. The accord had been signed by Spanish Government, he said, and would be implemented in due course and he would carry out his instructions with diligence. He said however that proposed expulsion of German Consuls here involved official personnel of German Government and he would see that they were treated with courtesy and respect in connection with their departure. He gave me to understand that he had no knowledge of any instructions from Berlin to Consulate here although Castillo had informed him along lines of my 111, May 11.70 Prior to interview Castillo had told me that Orgaz had warned him last night to say nothing to anyone about orders issued by Berlin to German Consulate here. Castillo said he thought this attitude was a further indication of Orgaz’ reluctance to see accord implemented.

British Consul General and I are under impression that Orgaz is prepared to delay execution of agreement as long as possible.

Repeated to Madrid, Algiers for Murphy.

  1. Not printed.