891.6363/846: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iran (Ford)

273. This refers to your urgent telegram number 281 of April 24.61 We are also concerned lest a situation develop in which American interests would lose a possible concession in Iran and have so indicated to both Standard Vacuum and Sinclair. However, we have also made it clear to both companies that any joint arrangement is entirely up to them, and that, if they do not wish to take joint action, we shall continue to render both companies the same impartial assistance.

Sinclair representatives delivered to the Department today copies of their preliminary proposal to the Government of Iran. These will be forwarded by pouch at an early date. For your confidential information, it appears that the Sinclair company is more anxious to cooperate in a joint bid than is the Standard-Vacuum.

  1. Not printed; in this telegram Col. John H. Leavell, Petroleum Attaché in Iraq on special duty at Tehran, had reported his views on the petroleum situation after consultation with interested local officials (891.6363/846).