
Memorandum by Colonel H. R. Maddux, Chief of Liaison Section, Operations Division, War Department General Staff, to the Chief of the Division of Middle Eastern Affairs (Allen)20

The War Department has carefully considered State Department letter of 16 August 1944 requesting the deferment of the removal of U.S. military personnel on temporary loan to the Iranian Road Transport Administration. Although it is recognized that this personnel is serving in a helpful capacity as far as Iran is concerned there is no U.S. military necessity involved. This lack of military necessity and the great need for military personnel elsewhere make it necessary to request the return of this personnel by 26 August 1944 as expressed [Page 348] in the letter of 6 March 1944 from the Under Secretary of War to the Under Secretary of State.

For the Secretary of War:
H. R. Maddux
  1. In telegram 519, August 21, 9 p.m., the Department informed the Chargé in Iran of the decision indicated in this memorandum by the War Department; the British Embassy was orally informed on August 29, in response to its aide-mémoire of July 10, p. 339.