861.24/1747: Telegram

The Chargé in Iran (Ford) to the Secretary of State

164. Reference Department’s 113, February 28. General Connolly held a meeting of all American advisers, at which I was present, on March 6 and read them substance of War Department’s instructions. All expressed appreciation.

I emphasized that advisers themselves should make every effort to screen requests for assistance before presentation to Legation and should put forward only those projects which would be of substantial benefit to Iran. Furthermore I pointed out what [that] in the final analysis the ultimately decisive factor in granting or refusing requests must necessarily be ability of PGC to comply without interference with its primary task of moving goods to Russia.

General Connolly has expressed to me his desire to work in close cooperation with Legation and he is hopeful [in?] fact [of?] doing so. He is already assisting advisers in various ways. Apart from transport personnel being assigned to road transport department he is lending men to help Winsor42 with a small water storage project in Tehran and a mechanic to assist Crawford43 in moving a grain cleaning machine. He is likewise being most helpful in certain minor matters affecting the Legation and its staff.

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I am gratified by the attitude of the General and his subordinates and believe that we shall be able to collaborate in an entirely satisfactory manner in implementing his new instructions. My only present fear is that the Iranian Government and the advisers will tend to overdo things and deluge the Legation and Connolly with requests for help.

  1. Luther Winsor, American head of the Iranian Irrigation Department.
  2. J. Forrest Crawford, Chief Administrator of the Cereals and Bread Section of the Millspaugh Mission.