
The Secretary of State to the Officer in Charge at New Delhi (Merrell)

No. 186

The Secretary of State refers to the Mission’s despatch no. 458 dated April 28, 1944 concerning the proposed visit to the United States of Dr. J. M. Kumarappa.

The Department is in agreement with the opinion of the Officer in Charge and desires to extend an invitation to Dr. Kumarappa to visit the United States as the guest of the Department at his earliest convenience.

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However, at present, the Science, Education and Art Division of the Department is faced with a lack of funds. It is hoped that this problem will be resolved satisfactorily within a fortnight.

As soon as funds become available the Department will send confirmation of its invitation to Dr. Kumarappa to visit this country as its official guest.

If other funds become available for the coming fiscal year the Department will be pleased to consider assisting American teachers who may desire to teach at the Tata Institute.

If the funds become available to enable the Department to bring Dr. Kumarappa to the United States as a guest all efforts will be made to facilitate all the purposes of his proposed visit as set forth in despatch no. 1333 dated April 18, 194487 from the American Consular Officer in Charge, Bombay, which was read with great interest and appreciation by officers of the Department.

It is repeated that the Department will notify the Officer in Charge, confirming its invitation to Dr. Kumarappa as soon as new funds become available.88 Pending such confirmation the Officer in Charge may wish to inform Dr. Kumarappa of the deep interest of the Department in his proposals.

A copy of this instruction is being sent to the American Consular Officer in Charge, Bombay, India.

  1. Not printed.
  2. The Department confirmed its invitation in telegram No. 643, September 2, 7 p.m., to New Delhi (811.42745/9–244).