868.20/11–3044: Telegram

The Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

113 [111]. No decisions were reached at last evening’s Cabinet meeting (see my No. 104 of November 2935) and today the deadlock continues over the question of disbanding the Mountain Brigade as well as the guerrilla forces in advance of the formation of the new National Army. Nevertheless the Prime Minister announced today that the new National Guard will take over from ELAS civil guard tomorrow as scheduled (see my No. 16 of November 7 [9]36) and he is reported to be facing the continuing crisis with his customary optimism.

Meanwhile British continue to be very apprehensive re possible serious trouble from the Left and my M.A.37 has been advised by Third Corps operational staff that though General Scobie’s requests for combat reinforcements (see my 81 of November 2338) have not been approved the airborne brigade of about 2000 effectives which has been used since D–day to follow up German withdrawal is to be kept in Greece for time being instead of being returned to Italy as contemplated. It is now in Attica. Furthermore 23rd Armored Brigade, formerly known as the Independent Motorized Brigade, will [Page 141] be concentrated in Attica and northeast Peloponnesus with all possible speed instead of being sent back to Egypt. Even the Indian Brigade formed of one British and two Indian battalions with British artillery is now in the Salonica area and the 11th Indian Brigade similarly divided between India and British troops is now in Patras and Missolonghi. In connection with these mixed brigades the MA was informed it is the practice in general to employ the Indians to guard military and relief stores and British for security purposes.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Telegram No. 16, November 9, not printed.
  3. Military Attaché.
  4. Telegram not printed.