868.01/8–2144: Telegram

The British Prime Minister (Churchill) to President Roosevelt 11


[755.] We have always marched together in complete agreement about the Greek policy and I refer to you on every important point. The War Cabinet and Foreign Secretary are much concerned about what will happen in Athens and indeed in Greece when the Germans crack or when their divisions try to evacuate the country. If there [Page 133] is a long hiatus after the German authorities have gone from the city before organized Government can be set up, it seems very likely that E.A.M. and Communist extremists will attempt to seize the city and crush all other forms of Greek expression but their own.

2. You and I have always agreed that the destinies of Greece are in the hands of the Greek people and that they will have the fullest opportunity of deciding between a Monarchy or Republic as soon as tranquility has been restored but I do not expect you will relish more than I do the prospect either of chaos and street fighting or of a tyrannical Communistic Government being set up. This could only serve to delay and hamper all plans which are being made by UNRRA12 for distribution of relief to the sorely-tried Greek people. I therefore think we should make preparations through Allied Staff in the Mediterranean to have in readiness a British force, not exceeding 10,000 men, which could be sent by the most expeditious means into the capital when the time is ripe. The force would include parachute troops for which the help of your air force would be needed. I do not myself expect anything will happen for a month and it may be longer but it is always well to be prepared. As far as I can see there will be no insuperable difficulty. I hope therefore you will agree that we may make these preparations but with staffs out here in the usual way. If so British Chiefs of Staff will submit to Combined Chiefs of Staff draft instructions to General Wilson.

  1. Copy sent to the Department by the British Ambassador on August 21.
  2. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.