868.01/594: Telegram

The Ambassador to the Greek Government in Exile (MacVeagh) to the Secretary of State

Greek 190. For the Department’s information. In connection with its number 24 of June 11 [10] the British Ambassador called on me on June 1st, and regarding the possibility of the EAM repudiating agreements reached by its representatives at the Lebanon Conference, expressed the hope that I might help support Mr. Papandreou’s efforts to achieve Greek national unity. I replied that I understood my Government’s policy to be not to support a particular party or political personality in Greek affairs, but that I would be glad to take any opportunity to stress a general hope for the achievement of Greek unity, referring in this connection to my suggestions to the Department, conveyed in my telegram Greek 150 of May 12, 6 p.m., and to the present [President’s] subsequent message to the Leftist delegates (see the Department’s Greek 75 of May 20, 5 p.m. [May 19, 4 p.m.]). When called on by these same delegates on June 3, I spoke along the lines of the President’s message and the next day, June 4, the date of the British Embassy’s memorandum to the Department, Mr. Leeper told me that they had expressed pleasure over what I had said, while he showed every sign of being pleased himself.

In regard to this all-important question of Anglo-American solidarity, the Department may be sure that every effort has been and will continue to be made toward close consultation and collaboration (within the limits specified in the Department’s telegram number 24) and to reduce causes of misunderstanding. For example, when Mr. Leeper recently complained to me of anti-British talk indulged in here by our extradepartmental agents working among the Greeks, I [Page 122] took the matter up personally with General Giles85 and the local heads of OSS86 and OWI,87 all of whom have promised their effective help in stopping an evil highly detrimental to Allied relations.

  1. Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Giles, Commanding General, United States Army Forces, Middle East.
  2. Office of Strategic Services.
  3. Office of War Information.