895.01/8–1644: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)
1084. The Department will soon engage in exchanges of papers and in informal discussion with the British Foreign Office regarding postwar Korea. A questionnaire covering the major problems to be considered has been agreed upon. Because of China’s special interest in Korean affairs the Department and the Foreign Office propose that there take place similar exchanges in Chungking with the Chinese Foreign Office. The proposed parallel bilateral discussions have as their primary purpose the exchange of information and ideas and it is not intended that they shall in any way commit the respective Governments in regard to policy. Instructions are being sent by air pouch.18
- Instruction 785, August 24, not printed. Appended to the instruction was an “Amended Draft Questionnaire on Korea” whose opening paragraph accepted” as the “settled policy” of the three Governments concerned the Cairo Declaration statement that “in due course Korea shall become free and independent.” It then raised a series of 20 questions under the headings of “Political”, “Military”, “Economic”, and “Koreans Outside Korea.” (895.01/8–1644)↩