895.01/333: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State

733. Central News Agency despatch April 25 reports reelection of Kim Koo as President of Korean Provisional Government April 24. Under revised organic law passed same day Kim Kiusic elected Vice President and total of 14 members said to represent all Korean political parties were elected to new government, including Tjo So-wang and General Kim Yak-san.5 Further details will be reported when available.6

  1. Secretary-General of the National Revolutionary Party.
  2. Despatch 2561, May 15, from Chungking, reported that the State Political Council designated on April 24 consisted of nine members of the Korean Independence Party, five of the National Revolutionary Party, one of the Korean Emancipation [Communist] Party and one of the Korean Anarchist Alliance; also that the Cabinet designated by the Council on May 9 consisted of five members of the Korean Independence Party, two of the National Revolutionary Party, and one non-party member (895.01/337).