740.00115A PW/10–2744: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

3878. American Interests, China. Reurtel 7135, October 27, and 6870, October 16.34 In view of extraordinary rise in prices at Shanghai, request Swiss to ask their Legation in Japan whether a more favorable basis may be arranged for obtaining local currency in that city. The doubling or tripling of commodity prices from June to October makes the rate of 9.18 Swiss francs for 100 CRB dollars (ReLegs 7051, October 24,35 and 3583, June 5) at least as inequitable as was the former rate of exchange. Department appreciates action by Gorgé in negotiating present basis for obtaining Chinese Reserve Bank dollars as already stated (ReDeptel 3482, October 10) and hopes he will be able to make further advantageous arrangements.

  1. Neither printed.
  2. Not printed; but for summary, see footnote 9, p. 1056.