740.00119 European Advisory Commission/47: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

378. Comea34 4. The first formal meeting of the European Advisory Commission was held this afternoon under my chairmanship.

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The Commission first approved the record of the conclusions of the preliminary meeting, with one or two slight changes relating to Secretariat procedure.

In accordance with the agenda previously informally agreed upon with the other representatives, the subject of discussion was restricted to the matter of surrender terms for Germany and pertinent controls. I invited the various delegations to file with the Secretariat for the next meeting any documents which they might have to present and to be prepared to put forward at the second meeting any oral comments or proposals which they might have to make, on this subject.

The Commission then agreed on a brief statement35 to be released to the press, the wording of which, as far as concerns the competency of the Commission, followed closely the language of the statements released to the press in this respect after the Moscow Conference.36

It was agreed that the Commission should reconvene the end of next week. I hope that I shall receive your views on German surrender terms, as mentioned in your 226, January 9, 3 p.m. in time for presentation at this next meeting.

Copies of the minutes of the preliminary meeting and the first formal meeting will go forward shortly by despatch.

  1. Series designation for telegrams from London dealing with the work of the European Advisory Commission.
  2. The statement issued to the press after the meeting held on Friday, January 14, 1944, read as follows:

    “The European Advisory Commission held its first formal meeting today at its London headquarters, Lancaster House, St. James’s, under the Chairmanship of the United States representative.

    “In accordance with the decision reached at the Moscow Conference (October 1943), the Commission was set up to study European questions arising as the war develops and to make joint recommendations to the three Governments.

    “The members of the Commission are—

    • United States: Mr. J. G. Winant (United States Ambassador).
    • Soviet Union: Mr. F. T. Gousev (Soviet Ambassador).
    • United Kingdom: Sir William Strang.

    “A combined Secretariat has been organised to work permanently at Lancaster House, composed of members drawn from each of the three Governments. A Secretary-General (Mr. E. P. Donaldson) has been appointed by the Commission.” (740.00119 EAC/101)

  3. Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. i, p. 741.