340.1115A/9–1444: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 15—2:17 a.m.]
3494. Department’s 2153, September 7, 8 p.m.53 Foreign Office states it has taken up with the Soviet military authorities our request that claimants to American citizenship in liberated areas be assisted in presenting their cases to the Embassy and has promised to inform us more fully concerning the steps that have been taken in the near future.
Postal communications appear to have been fairly generally established between Moscow and those areas which the Russians regard as Soviet territory, and we are already receiving letters from Bukowina, Eastern Galicia, White Russia and Lithuania, usually within [Page 1205] 10 days to 2 weeks of the date of mailing. Most of these letters are from aliens seeking to communicate with American relatives. Only about a dozen so far have been from claimants to United States citizenship.
Postal authorities in Moscow say that there is service between here and Lublin, but the five letters we have received from Lublin have all been delivered by hand.
A further report will be submitted as soon as possible.
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