740.00116 European War 1939/1409a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

937. From War Refugee Board. Department’s 699, March 24.94 With reference to the statement made by the President, the British Government, in a reaffirmation of its attitude toward the Nazi war crimes and atrocities, directed that the BBC95 report the President’s statement fully in all languages. Subsequently, on March 30, Mr. Eden, in the House of Commons, reiterated the position of the British Government with regard to these crimes.

You are requested to approach the appropriate authorities of the Soviet Union and ascertain whether, in view of the positive action taken by the British Government, the Soviet Government would take similar action and issue a statement expressing its attitude concerning the crimes and atrocities of the Nazis. It is felt by the Department that such action on the part of the Soviet Government would have a most profound and important effect upon the leaders and peoples of Rumania and Hungary.

Please report the result of your discussions concerning this matter. [War Refugee Board.]

  1. See telegram 991, March 24, to Bern, and footnote 57, p. 1015.
  2. British Broadcasting Corporation.