740.00119 EW/11–2744: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

10441. Personal for Mr. Dunn. In connection with my 10348 (November 24, 7 p.m.). The Soviet representative on the European Advisory Commission has submitted a draft protocol on zones of occupation in Austria. Full text is being forwarded by air.6

Summary begins: Soviet forces to occupy an eastern zone, bounded on the west by a line separating the district of Ober-Hollabrunn and the district of Horn and running south from the Czechoslovak frontier; the Cenuj along the boundary between districts of Krems and Tuelln; thence along western boundaries of districts of Sankt Poleten, Lilienfeld and Bruck; thence along northwestern boundary of the Gratz district and western boundary of Voitzberg district; thence south along the eastern boundary of province of Carinthia to the Yugoslav frontier; with the exception of the city of Vienna.

British forces to occupy zone lying to the west of the Soviet zone and bounded on the west by a line starting at the Czechoslovak frontier and separating the provinces of upper Austria and lower Austria; thence southwest along the southern boundary of upper Austria to its junction with the boundary of the province Salzburg; thence south along the boundary of Salzburg province to the boundary of Carinthia; thence west and then south along the northern and western boundaries of Carinthia to the Italian frontier.

Remaining territory of Austria to be occupied by United States forces.

City of Vienna to be occupied by forces of the three powers and divided into three parts. Soviet forces to occupy northeastern part (districts of Floridsdorf, Brigittenau, Leopoldstadt, Innere-Stadt, Landstrasse). British forces to occupy northwestern part (districts of Doebling, Alsergrund, Waehring, Hernals, Ottakring, Josefstadt, Fuenfhaus, Rudolfsheim) United States forces to occupy southern [Page 472] part (districts of Hietzing, Meidling, Neubau, Mariahilf, Margaretenr Wieden, Favoriten, Simmering).

Administration of Vienna to be organized on model set forth for Greater Berlin. The agreement to come into force on signature by Germany of the unconditional surrender. End of summary.

  1. Text transmitted as an enclosure to despatch 19521, November 28, from London (not printed).