740.00119 EAC/202a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
4742. Department has received a communication from the British Embassy dated June 12, inquiring how far the United States Government is prepared to participate in the occupation and control of Austria. After quoting a telegram sent to General Wilson AFHQ, Algiers, on June 9 by the Combined Chiefs of Staff, which is based on the views set forth in the Department’s telegram no. 3499 of May 1, 11 p.m.,43 Eacom44 18, the British document states, among other things, the following:
“The United States representative on the European Advisory Commission, however, stated at a meeting of the three representatives on May 31 that he was authorized to accept a proposal for tri-partite occupation of Austria.”
In so far as the Department is aware, this Government’s policy has not thus far deviated from that outlined in the Department’s telegram just cited. Before replying to the British communication, however, your immediate comment would be appreciated.
A copy of the British document is being forwarded to you by air pouch.45