740.00119 E.A.C./12–444: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

10733. Personal for the Secretary. My delay in answering your 9961, November 28, 1 p.m.87 has been due to an effort on my part to get an unequivocal confirmation by the Russians of their withdrawal of any condition regarding their acceptance of the instrument of unconditional surrender for Germany. The conditions placed by the British on their original acceptance prompted the Russians to enter a reservation of their own conditioned on the British action. After the withdrawal of the British conditions, the Russians acknowledged the British action and Gousev stated that the original acknowledgement of unconditional acceptance by his Government was thereby reinstated. I have not been satisfied with the language in the exchange of letters and since returning from Washington I have taken up this subject with Gousev and I have his assurance that he will clarify this question of language. I had hoped to get this accomplished last week but I am very certain I will be able to complete the record this week.

  1. Not printed; it asked if the Soviet Government had withdrawn its reservation regarding the instrument of surrender for Germany (740.00119 EAC/9–2144).