740.0011 European War 1939/34701a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
3973. For Phillips. Subject to SCAEF12 approval, Department perceives no objection to the adoption of the tentative suggestion made in your letter of May 3 to Dunn13 to the effect that representatives of Allied Governments might be invited to sit with present committee as occasion dictates. It is felt that such participation should be on a non-voting basis and would serve admirably for consultative purposes; however, it should not be allowed to eliminate the direct liaison between SCAEF and the respective governments on censorship matters.
The Department concurs in your view that direct approach to exiled governments regarding censorship agreements would seem expedient.
[Page 1510]Your comments on the Committee and related developments are proving very helpful and it is pleasing to note from your no. 3891 of May 1314 that the notion of an additional committee has been dropped.