740.0011 European War 1939/32061: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Colombia (Lane)
1463. While the Department is awaiting further reports from the War and Navy Departments on points contained in your telegram 2151 of November 27, 8 p.m., you may now state to the Foreign Minister that a German submarine is known to be operating in the area where the Ruby was sunk and confirmation is given that the S. S. Pompoon is overdue enroute from Panama to Barranquilla.
The above statements may be given publicity by the Foreign Office if it so desires.
The Commandant of the Fifteenth Naval District is being instructed by the Navy Department to inform you of the contents of his press release regarding sinking of two American ships and one Panamanian ship overdue. This information is to be used only after its receipt from Commandant and with text unchanged.
The result of any investigation concerning fragments of shrapnel mentioned in your cable 2150, November 27, 7 p.m. will be communicated to you at earliest moment possible.