- Entry of Colombia into a state of belligerency with Germany and adherence
to the United Nations Declaration (Documents 1–20)
- Agreement continuing in effect the Agreement of November 23, 1938, and subsequent renewed and extended agreements between the United States and Colombia which provided for a naval mission from the United States to Colombia, effected by exchange of notes, signed July 23 and August 7, 1943
- Arrangements to procure for the United States strategic materials from
Colombia (Documents 21–43)
- Purchase by the United States of two Italian tankers requisitioned by
Colombia (Documents 44–52)
- Efforts of the United States and Colombian Governments to control
financial transactions involving the Axis (Documents 53–70)
- Negotiation of an Export-Import Bank loan to Colombia for agricultural
purposes (Documents 71–82)
- Discussions by the Ambassador in Colombia with church and government
officials concerning hostility toward American Protestant missions (Documents 83–91)