740.0011 Moscow/10–1843

Minutes of Meeting Held at the Kremlin, October 18, 1943

Present: The Secretary of State
Mr. W. Averell Harriman
Mr. James Clement Dunn
Major General Deane
Mr. Maxwell M. Hamilton
Mr. Anthony Eden
Sir A. Clark Kerr
Mr. William Strang
General Ismay
Mr. V. Molotov
Mr. Vyshinski
Interpreters: Mr. Pavlov
Mr. Birse

The meeting opened at 6 p.m.

The Secretary raised the question of the publicity to be given to the proceedings during the Conference. His idea was that agreement should be reached between the representatives of the three Governments about giving out to the Press the names of the persons who have come to Moscow and the names of the persons associated with himself and Mr. Eden. He was only raising the question.

Mr. Molotov said he had no objection and would leave it entirely to Mr. Hull and Mr. Eden. He thought a short communiqué giving the names would be required.

Mr. Eden suggested a communiqué saying they had arrived and who was with them.

Mr. Molotov asked whether there were any other proposals.

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Mr. Eden said there was the question of the time of announcement.

Mr. Harriman said the announcement should be made before 11 p.m. that night.

Mr. Molotov said he understood that no report made by the foreign correspondents should be released before 11 p.m.

Mr. Eden said that until the communiqué was published nothing was to be sent by the correspondents.

Mr. Molotov said a list of the names had been given to the correspondents, but not released. The correspondents had evidently been informed by the Embassies, as they came with the telegrams in their hand. If it was desirable to postpone publication, the telegrams could be held back.

Mr. Molotov then instructed his secretary to make arrangements to hold the telegrams until further orders.

Mr. Eden suggested that someone from each delegation should assist in drafting the announcement.

Mr. Molotov said they had prepared a draft and suggested the appointment of delegates to draft the announcement.

The Secretary said Mr. Harriman had the American list of names.

Mr. Molotov then sent his secretary for the Soviet draft.

Mr. Molotov said he had no objections to Mr. Hull’s and Mr. Eden’s statements.

Mr. Eden said if these drafts were agreed the next thing was to decide whether anything more was to be said to the Press before the Conference ended.

Mr. Pavlov then translated the Soviet draft into English.86

Mr. Molotov asked if someone from the two Embassies could be appointed to agree to this draft. On the Soviet side he would appoint Mr. Novikov.

Mr. Eden suggested that nothing be said to the Press except by agreement.

Mr. Harriman said if events required it, it would be possible to make proposals.

Agreed: that a representative from the British Embassy (the Minister) and one from the U.S.A. Embassy would agree the draft of the announcement with Mr. Novikov later in the evening.

Mr. Molotov asked when it would be suitable to start the work of the Conference. Were there any proposals?

The Secretary said he was at the service of his two associates at any time.

Mr. Eden said he was also.

Mr. Molotov proposed 4 p.m. on October 19th at the Spiridonovka.87

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Mr. Molotov asked whether any speeches should be made at the first meeting. He pointed out that the Conference was confidential.

Mr. Eden suggested no speeches.

The Secretary said it was strictly business.

Mr. Molotov agreed.

Mr. Molotov asked who would be present at the first meeting and at the later meetings. It would be desirable to know beforehand, especially for the first meeting; the persons to take part in subsequent meetings could be agreed later.

The Secretary asked whether it would be preferable if there were just the three or should some of the associates be present with a view to discussing important questions.

Mr. Eden thought it should be something like the present meeting.

The Secretary said that instead of Mr. Hamilton the Americans would have Mr. Hackworth, otherwise there would be no change.

Mr. Molotov said he had no objections. He would now state who would be present as the Soviet Delegation. It would be the seven members mentioned in his note sent to the British Ambassador and to the American Chargé d’Affaires: Molotov, Vyshinski, Voroshilov, Litvinov, Sergeyev, Major General Gryzlov, Saksin.

He wanted to add that the presence of all the members would not always be necessary and on the other hand others might be called in as experts or on technical questions. He hoped this would be agreeable to all the Delegations. He did not exclude personal meetings with Mr. Eden and the Secretary.

Mr. Eden entirely agreed.

  1. Not found in Department files.
  2. Secretary of State Hull describes Spiridonovka Palace in his Memoirs as “a fine old Czarist mansion”.